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Mesej untuk Bulan Ramadan dan Hari Raya Aidil Fitri

(Message in BM) Salam Saudara-Saudari yang beragama Islam, Tuhan yang maha kuasa dalam Rahmat-Nya, telah memberikan saudara dan saudari peluang untuk menunaikan ibadah puasa dalam bulan Ramadan ini dan menyambut ‘Id al-Fitr. Majlis Pontifikal Untuk Dialog Antara Agama menghargai akan pentingnya bulan ini dan usaha tidak terhingga umat Islam seluruh dunia untuk berpuasa, berdoa dan berkongsi anugerah yang Maha Kuasa dengan golongan miskin. Menyedari anugerah yang didorong oleh Ramadan, kami turut serta saudara dan saudari dalam memanjatkan kesyukuran kepada Tuhan Maha Rahim untuk belas kasihan dan kemurahan hati-Nya, dan kami menghulurkan setulus ikhlas ucapan kepada saudara sekalian. Pada kesempatan ini, kami ingin berkongsi buah fikiran dengan saudara-saudari Islam yang dikasihi, berkenaan aspek penting hubungan antara umat Kristian dan umat Islam: keperluan untuk beralih daripada persaingan kepada kerjasama. Semangat persaingan sering mencorakkan hubungan antara umat Kristian dan Islam pada masa lampau telah meninggalkan kesan negatif yang jelas: cemburu, saling menuduh dan ketegangan. Dalam sesetengah kes, ini membawa kepada konfrontasi kasar, terutamanya apabila agama telah diperalatkan lebih-lebih lagi kerana kepentingan diri dan motif politik. Persaingan antara agama seperti ini melukakan imej agama dan pengikutnya, dan memupuk pendapat bahawa agama bukanlah sumber keamanan, tetapi ketegangan dan keganasan. Untuk mencegah dan mengatasi kesan-kesan negatif ini, adalah penting untuk kita, umat Kristian dan umat Islam mengingat kembali nilai-nilai agama dan moral, yang kita kongsi bersama, sambil mengakui perbezaan kita. Dengan menerima persamaan yang kita pegang dan melalui rasa hormat kita tunjukkan terhadap perbezaan yang sahih, kita boleh mewujudkan asas yang lebih kukuh bagi hubungan damai, beralih daripada persaingan dan konfrontasi kepada kerjasama yang efektif demi kebaikan bersama. Ini terutamanya untuk membantu mereka yang amat memerlukan bantuan dan membolehkan kita menjadi saksi yang boleh dipercayai terhadap cinta kasih yang Maha Kuasa untuk seluruh umat manusia. Kita semua mempunyai hak dan kewajipan untuk menjadi saksi kepada yang Maha Berkuasa yang kita sembah, serta berkongsi kepercayaan kita dengan orang lain, sambil menghormati agama dan sentimen agama mereka. Marilah kita bekerja bersama-sama dan menghormati satu sama lain supaya hubungan persaudaraan kita lebih aman. Dengan cara ini, kita akan memberi kemuliaan kepada yang Maha Kuasa dan menggalakkan keharmonian dalam masyarakat, yang semakin memiliki ciri-ciri berbilang etnik, berbilang agama dan berbilang budaya. Kami akhiri dengan ucapan selamat berpuasa yang penuh berkat dan sambutan ‘Id al-Fitr yang penuh meriah serta jaminan kami kepada sekalian saudara saudari dalam kesatuan doa. (Message in English) MESSAGE FOR THE MONTH OF RAMADAN AND ‘ID Al-FITR Christians and Muslims: From competition to collaboration Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters, In his Providence, God the Almighty has granted you the opportunity to observe anew the fasting of Ramadan and to celebrate ‘Id al-Fitr. The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue appreciates the importance of this month and the great effort by the Muslims throughout the world to fast, pray and share the Almighty’s gifts with the poor. Mindful of the gifts prompted by Ramadan, we join you in thanking the Merciful God for his benevolence and generosity, and we extend to you our heartfelt best wishes. The thoughts we would like to share with you on this occasion, dear Muslim brothers and sisters, concern a vital aspect of relations between Christians and Muslims: the need to move from competition to collaboration. A spirit of competition has too often marked past relations between Christians and Muslims, the negative consequences of which are evident: jealousy, recriminations and tensions. In some cases, these have led to violent confrontations, especially where religion has been instrumentalized, above all due to self-interest and political motives. Such interreligious competition wounds the image of religions and their followers, and it fosters the view that religions are not sources of peace, but of tension and violence. To prevent and overcome these negative consequences, it is important that we Christians and Muslims recall the religious and moral values that we share, while acknowledging our differences. By recognizing what we hold in common and by showing respect for our legitimate differences, we can more firmly establish a solid foundation for peaceful relations, moving from competition and confrontation to an effective cooperation for the common good. This particularly assist those most in need, and allows us to offer a credible witness to the Almighty’s love for the whole of humanity. We all have the right and the duty to witness to the All-Powerful One we worship, and to share our beliefs with others, while respecting their religion and religious sentiments. So that we may further peaceful and fraternal relations, let us work together and honor each another. In this way we will give glory to the Almighty and promote harmony in society, which is becoming increasingly multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural. We conclude by renewing our best wishes for a fruitful fast and a joyful ‘Id, and assure you of our solidarity in prayer. From the Vatican, 20 April 2018 Signed Jean-Louis Cardinal Tauran President Bishop Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot, M.C.C.I. Secretary (Message in BM) Salam Saudara-Saudari yang beragama Islam, Tuhan yang maha kuasa dalam Rahmat-Nya, telah memberikan saudara dan saudari peluang untuk menunaikan ibadah puasa dalam bulan Ramadan ini dan menyambut ‘Id al-Fitr. Majlis Pontifikal Untuk Dialog Antara Agama menghargai akan pentingnya bulan ini dan usaha tidak terhingga umat Islam seluruh dunia untuk berpuasa, ...
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Pastoral Letter from The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia: Make your vote count

Letter in English: Letter in Bahasa Malaysia: Letter in English: Letter in Bahasa Malaysia: ...
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CFM Statement for 14th General Election in Malaysia: Vote wisely for a better Malaysia

CHRISTIAN FEDERATION OF MALAYSIA PERSEKUTUAN KRISTIAN MALAYSIA (PPM-003-10-14011986) Address : 26 Jalan Universiti, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Telephone / Fax : + 60 3 7957 1457 Email: [email protected] 26 April 2018 A Statement by the Christian Federation of Malaysia for the 14th General Election in Malaysia VOTE WISELY FOR A BETTER MALAYSIA Once every five years Malaysians have the right to elect their government and leaders. The Church is non-partisan but for Christians who are citizens of Malaysia, voting responsibly in the upcoming 14th General Election in Malaysia is a moral duty. Genesis 1:28 tells us that God appointed man, steward over His creation. He also gave Adam and Eve, free-will – the freedom to choose. The Creation account teaches us to choose wisely for to each choice made, there are consequences – good or bad. As a community with the ability to discern, let us therefore choose wisely the leaders who will govern us. For when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice… (Proverbs 29:2). So that we may prosper and rejoice as a nation, let us approach the forthcoming 14th General Election in a right spirit. a) Discernment Enjoined by God to seek discernment that we may be wise and have understanding (Deuteronomy 32 : 28-29), let us ask God for an ever increasing ability to discern between right and wrong and the wisdom to choose rightly, the Members of Parliament and the State legislative assembly representatives for the next 5 years. To do so, we need to ask questions of the candidates, listen carefully to their policies and position on, among others, upholding the Rule of Law and the supremacy of the Federal Constitution and safeguarding the freedoms (including the freedom of religion) enshrined in it as well as their willingness to be held accountable and to serve for the common good, effectively, to promote the well-being of all, including the poor and marginalised. For all candidates, let us match their walk with their talk. b) Solidarity Being a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society, we need more than ever to be a nation founded on the Golden Rule: in everything, do unto others what you would have them do to you (Matthew 7:12). If we are to stand in solidarity with each other, we must build bridges with all peoples irrespective of race, religion, ethnicity, gender and socio-economic status. If we are to be a nation rooted in the love of God and the love of our neighbour (Matthew 22:36-40), our leaders need to promote actively, harmony, peace, national unity and respect for all Malaysians. c) Prayer Paul exhorted the community at Thessalonica to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Prayer being integral to Christians, let us earnestly ask the Holy Spirit to point the way to leaders of God’s choosing, those who will serve all peoples of Malaysia with integrity and courage, May we too be given courage – the courage to vote according to our conscience. All authority being delegated by God, let us entrust all who are elected to our Righteous Judge confident that they will be answerable to Him for their every decision and action. That Malaysia’s 14th General Election will be free and fair and we be blessed with a smooth and peaceful transition to the next government must be our ardent cry. Standing as one, all churches encompassed within the Christian Federation of Malaysia fervently pray for a peaceful and fair 14th General Election. We call on all political parties and candidates to focus on the issues affecting our nation, to be civil when presenting their political agenda and to desist from all strategies which may generate division, acrimony and dissension among the peoples of our beloved country. We commend to God Almighty the 14th General Election of Malaysia. “In You, LORD my God,… I put my trust.” (Psalm 25:1-2a). Signed, Archbishop Julian Leow Beng Kim Archbishop Chairman Archbishop Dr Simon Poh Hoon Seng Vice-chairman Bishop Dr Ong Hwai Teik Vice-chairman Revd Dr Eu Hong Seng Vice-chairman In Bahasa Malaysia: Kenyataan oleh Persekutuan Kristian Malaysia untuk Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 di Malaysia MENGUNDI DENGAN BIJAKSANA UNTUK KEBAIKAN MALAYSIA Setiap lima tahun rakyat Malaysia melaksanakan hak untuk memilih kerajaan dan pemimpin negara ini. Sebagai Gereja, kita tidak menyebelahi mana-mana parti politik, namun sebagai orang Kristian yang berwarganegara Malaysia, mengundi dengan sifat bertanggungjawab pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 merupakan kewajipan moral. Kitab Kejadian 1:28 menyatakan kepada kita bahawa Tuhan telah melantik manusia sebagai penjaga atas ciptaan-Nya. Dia juga memberikan kebebasan kepada Adam dan Hawa untuk memilih dengan bijak. Setiap pilihan yang dibuat, ada akibatnya - baik atau buruk. Sebagai sebuah komuniti yang mempunyai keupayaan untuk membezakan, marilah kita memilih dengan bijak para pemimpin yang akan memerintah kita. Ketika orang-orang benar berada dalam kekuasaan, orang-orang bersukacita ... (Amsal 29: 2). Untuk kita boleh makmur dan bersukacita sebagai sebuah negara, marilah kita mendekati Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 yang akan datang dengan sikap yang benar. a) Arif Bersama Allah untuk mencari pengertian agar kita bijak dan mempunyai pemahaman (Ulangan 32: 28-29), marilah kita meminta kepada Tuhan untuk meningkatkan keupayaan kita untuk membeza antara yang benar dan salah dan kebijaksanaan untuk memilih dengan betul, Ahli Parlimen dan wakil Dewan Perundangan Negeri untuk 5 tahun yang akan datang. Untuk berbuat demikian, kita perlu bertanya para calon-calon dan mendengar dengan teliti akan polisi-polisi dan prinsip mereka, antara lain, menjunjung Peraturan Undang-undang serta kedaulatan Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan melindungi kebebasan (termasuk kebebasan beragama) yang termaktub di dalamnya, menilai kesediaan mereka memikul tanggungjawab dan berkhidmat dengan berkesan demi kebaikan bersama untuk mempromosikan kesejahteraan semua orang termasuk golongan miskin dan yang terpinggir. Perhatikan jika kata-kata para calon seiring dengan perbuatan mereka. b) Solidariti Sebagai masyarakat berbilang etnik dan agama, kita perlu lebih dari sekadar menjadi negara yang berasaskan Peraturan Emas: dalam segala-galanya, lakukan kepada orang lain apa yang kamu mahu orang lain lakukan kepada kamu (Matius 7:12). Sekiranya kita ingin bersatu dalam semangat solidariti sesama kita, kita mesti menjalin hubungan erat dengan semua orang tanpa mengira kaum, agama, etnik, jantina dan status sosioekonomi. Sekiranya kita ingin menjadi bangsa yang berakar di dalam kasih Tuhan dan mengasihi sesama kita (Matius 22: 36-40), pemimpin kita perlu aktif mempromosikan keharmonian, damai, perpaduan nasional dan menghormati semua rakyat Malaysia. c) Doa Seperti Paulus menyeru masyarakat di Tesalonika untuk "berdoa tanpa henti" (1 Tesalonika 5:17), marilah kita bersungguh-sungguh meminta Roh Kudus memberi inspirasi kepada kita siapa pemimpin-peminpin pilihan Tuhan yang boleh berkhidmat dengan integriti dan keberanian. Kita berdoa agar kita diberikan keberanian untuk mengundi mengikut gerak hati kita. Kita percaya bahawa segala kewibawaan diberikan oleh Tuhan, dan ini bermakna wakil-wakil rakyat yang dipilih bertangggungjawab kepada Hakim Yang Mulia untuk apapun keputusan dan tindakan mereka. Kita berdoa supaya Pilihanraya Umum Malaysia Ke-14, bebas dan adil dan kita diberkati dengan peralihan yang lancar dan aman kepada kerajaan yang akan datang. Berdiri sebagai satu, semua gereja di bawah Persekutuan Kristian Malaysia dengan bersungguh-sungguh berdoa untuk Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 supaya aman dan adil. Kami juga berdoa agar semua parti politik dan calon untuk memberi tumpuan kepada isu-isu yang memberi kesan terhadap negara kita, untuk bertanggungjawab apabila menyampaikan agenda politik mereka dan menghindar semua strategi yang boleh menjurus kepada perpecahan, penderitaan dan perselisihan dikalangan rakyat negara kita yang tercinta. Kita serahkan Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 kepada Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa. “Allahku, kepada-Mu...aku percaya” (Mazmur 25:1-2a). Ditandatangani Uskup Agung Julian Leow Beng Kim Pengerusi Uskup Agung Simon Poh Hoon Seng Naib Pengerusi Uskup Dr. Ong Hwai Teik Naib Pengerusi Pendeta Dr. Eu Hong Seng Naib Pengerusi In Mandarin: 马来西亚基督教联合会 (CFM)-第14 届大选文告 为建立更好的马来西亚,投下明智的一票 每5 年一次,大马公民有权利投票选出政府和国家领袖。 教会是超越政黨派系的, 但身为马来西亚公民的基督徒在来临的 第14 届大选,有义务尽上公民的责任,投下手中的一票。 创世纪 1:28 告诉我们上帝委托人类管理祂所创造的世界。 祂也赋予亚当和夏娃自由意志作选择。 创世的记载教导我们应明智的作出每一个选择, 每一个选择都有可能产生好或坏的结果。身为明辨是非的群体,让我们有智慧的选出治理我们的领袖。当义人掌权,民就喜乐… …(箴言29:2),让我们以正确的心态迎接第十四届大选,使马来西亚成为繁荣和喜乐的国家。 a) 洞察力 上帝吩咐我们要寻求洞察力,使我们充满智慧及领悟力(申命记32:28-29),让我们求神提升我们明辨是非的能力及有智慧做出明智的选择-代表我们另外五年的国会议员和州议员。要如此行,我们需要问候选人问题,仔细的聆听他们所采取的政策与立场,其中包括了维护法治和联邦宪法至上的地位,捍卫其中有关自由的条款(包括宗教自由)以及愿意承担责任以落实公共利益、有效率地推动公众的福利,包括穷人和被边缘化者。对于所有候选人,让我们观察他们是否言行一致。 b) 团结一致 身为多元种族和多元宗教的社会,我们的国家比任何时候更需要把基础建立以下的原则上:在任何事情上,你们愿意人怎样待你们,你们也要怎样待人(马太福音7:12)。如果我们要团结一致,我们就必须与国人之间建立桥梁,不分种族、宗教、性别和社会经济地位。如果我们要成为一个植根于上帝之爱和邻舍之爱的国家(马太福音22:36-40),我们的领袖需要积极、和谐、和平、民族团结和尊重所有马来西亚人。 c) 祷告 保罗叮嘱帖撒罗尼迦人要“不住祷告”(帖前5:17)。对基督徒来说,祷告是不可或缺的部分,让我们恳求圣灵引导神所拣选的领袖-将以诚实和勇气服务马来西亚的全体人民,让我们也有勇气按照良知投下手中的一票。所有执政掌权的都是神所委托的,让我们将他们委托给至公义的审判主,深信他们会为自己做出的每项决择向祂负责。我们恳切的呼吁,马来西亚的第十四届大选将是自由和公平的,我们将顺利及和平把政权交给下届政府。 所有附属于马来西亚基督教联合会的教会都同心合一,恳切地为和平及公平的第14 届大选代求。我们呼吁所有政党和候选人专注在影响国家的课题上,在提出政治议程时保持公正,停止一切可能导致国民分裂,争执和分歧的策略。 我们把马来西亚的第十四届大选交托给神 “我的神啊,…我依靠你”(诗篇25:1-2a) 马来西亚基督教联合会 主席 :廖炳坚大主教 副主席 :傅云生大主教博士 副主席 : 王怀德会督博士 副主席 : 尤方成牧师博士CHRISTIAN FEDERATION OF MALAYSIA PERSEKUTUAN KRISTIAN MALAYSIA (PPM-003-10-14011986) Address : 26 Jalan Universiti, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Telephone / Fax : + 60 3 7957 1457 Email: [email protected] 26 April 2018 A Statement by the Christian Federation of Malaysia for the 14th General Election in Malaysia VOTE WISELY FOR A BETTER MALAYSIA Once every five ...
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Chancellory Notice

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Ad Limina Message by President of Bishops’ Conference

[caption id="attachment_12749" align="aligncenter" width="680"] The last Ad Limina visit for the Bishops of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei was 10 years ago, in June 2008.[/caption] To the people of God on the occasion of the AD LIMINA VISIT (4-9 February 2018) The Ad Limina visit is formally called "ad limina apostolorum," which means "to the thresholds of the apostles" Peter and Paul, who were martyred in Rome. This visit is made by the Ordinaries of a Region (Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei), which include the Cardinal; Archbishops and Bishops in charge of a Diocese. Traditionally, this visit serves as an occasion for the Shepherd of each diocese to draw inspiration as well as guidance from the Universal Catholic Church in which Pope Francis, the Supreme Pontiff is the successor of Peter, the Apostle. The Archbishop and Bishops as successors of the Apostles, work in collaboration and communion with the Pope. The Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei’s Ad Limina visit is set on the 4th to 9th February 2018. The Ad Limina consists of three parts. The first part entails a personal visit to the tombs of Saints Peter and Paul. This is a very spiritual and inspiring time of the Ad Limina because it connects the present Successor to the Apostles (Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinal) to the two major Apostles credited with the spreading of the faith. They draw strength and renewal from this visit to the tombs. The second part is a visit and interview with the Holy Father which will be held on the 8th February, 2018. This is a time when the Cardinal, Archbishops and Bishops renew their obedience and loyalty to Pope Francis who is the successor of Peter, and receive his teaching in the form of reflection and they render oral reports on the state of their individual Arch/dioceses. This gives the Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinal a chance to be in solidarity with the Pope and each other. The third part is the scheduled visits to the various offices of the Roman Curia, presenting the written report which is presented to the Secretariat of the State. Each diocese is sent a questionnaire of the information being requested by the Vatican. This quinquennial (5 year) report provides statistical and written descriptions of all the priests, deacons, religious, and laity serving in the diocese; the state of the sacramental life of the diocese; the financial health of the diocese as a whole; the types of programs being offered which can range from prison ministry to evangelization to family life to ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue; the process of catholic education in Catholic Mission Schools and at parishes; evangelization efforts to the active, inactive and unchurched; and the current status of our priestly vocations. This report also presents the successes and challenges since the last report given. It is in the same light that the Gospel today speaks to us as in “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.” The Good News today is the blessings of the Ad Limina visit which will be fulfilled in God’s time. The Ad Limina visit is the seed of the Kingdom of God that is near, close to us in which the Cardinal, Archbishops, Bishops, the Emeriti as well as all the people of God will receive through the shower of God’s Word and the warmth of God’s love. These graces will be experienced tangibly through the seat of Peter, in the encounter with our Holy Father, Pope Francis. The call to repent can be seen as the journey of going Home where the seat of Peter is and it is also a call for renewal, a change of perception and a new experience of meeting Christ through the Holy Father and through meetings with other offices which remind us of our universality as the one body of Christ. This unity plays a very important role in the Church. It brings to life the words of St.John in chapter 17, 22-23 which states, “The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” Believing that God’s kingdom in our midst is an act of faith and thus, we continue to proclaim the Good News of our encounter with Jesus. This encounter will spur us to go out, to see and call the others to form communities of faith wherever we are. Ultimately, the daily encounter with Jesus will transform us in becoming missionary disciples of hope. In conclusion, we wish for all Catholics, through prayer and solidarity, to feel a part of the Ad Limina visit, which confirms and celebrates that which we profess each week when we express our belief in the ‘one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church’. Our faith was handed down to us from Jesus through the apostles and as Archbishops and Bishops we are charged with the enormous responsibility of continuing that tradition. The Ad Limina visit is an important physical and spiritual milestone in the carrying out of that ministry. May the Holy Spirit empower us and May Mary our Mother intercede for us! United in the Lord, Rt. Rev. Sebastian Francis Diocese of Penang   3rd Sunday after Epiphany: 20 - 21 January 2018 Readings: Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20 Message in Mandarin [caption id="attachment_12743" align="aligncenter" width="680"] Page 1[/caption] [caption id="attachment_12742" align="aligncenter" width="680"] Page 2[/caption] Message in BM [caption id="attachment_12744" align="aligncenter" width="680"] Page 1[/caption] [caption id="attachment_12745" align="aligncenter" width="680"] Page 2[/caption][caption id="attachment_12749" align="aligncenter" width="680"] The last Ad Limina visit for the Bishops of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei was 10 years ago, in June 2008.[/caption] To the people of God on the occasion of the AD LIMINA VISIT (4-9 February 2018) The Ad Limina visit is formally called "ad limina apostolorum," which means "to ...
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Urbi et Orbi: Christmas 2017 Message from Pope Francis

"URBI ET ORBI" MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS CHRISTMAS 2017 Central Loggia of the Vatican Basilica Monday, 25 December 2017   Dear Brothers and Sisters, Happy Christmas! In Bethlehem, Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary. He was born, not by the will of man, but by the gift of the love of God our Father, who “so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (Jn 3:16). This event is renewed today in the Church, a pilgrim in time. For the faith of the Christian people relives in the Christmas liturgy the mystery of the God who comes, who assumes our mortal human flesh, and who becomes lowly and poor in order to save us. And this moves us deeply, for great is the tenderness of our Father. The first people to see the humble glory of the Saviour, after Mary and Joseph, were the shepherds of Bethlehem. They recognized the sign proclaimed to them by the angels and adored the Child. Those humble and watchful men are an example for believers of every age who, before the mystery of Jesus, are not scandalized by his poverty. Rather, like Mary, they trust in God’s word and contemplate his glory with simple eyes. Before the mystery of the Word made flesh, Christians in every place confess with the words of the Evangelist John: “We have beheld his glory, glory as of the only-begotten Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (Jn 1:14). Today, as the winds of war are blowing in our world and an outdated model of development continues to produce human, societal and environmental decline, Christmas invites us to focus on the sign of the Child and to recognize him in the faces of little children, especially those for whom, like Jesus, “there is no place in the inn” (Lk 2:7). We see Jesus in the children of the Middle East who continue to suffer because of growing tensions between Israelis and Palestinians. On this festive day, let us ask the Lord for peace for Jerusalem and for all the Holy Land. Let us pray that the will to resume dialogue may prevail between the parties and that a negotiated solution can finally be reached, one that would allow the peaceful coexistence of two States within mutually agreed and internationally recognized borders. May the Lord also sustain the efforts of all those in the international community inspired by good will to help that afflicted land to find, despite grave obstacles the harmony, justice and security that it has long awaited. We see Jesus in the faces of Syrian children still marked by the war that, in these years, has caused such bloodshed in that country. May beloved Syria at last recover respect for the dignity of every person through a shared commitment to rebuild the fabric of society, without regard for ethnic and religious membership. We see Jesus in the children of Iraq, wounded and torn by the conflicts that country has experienced in the last fifteen years, and in the children of Yemen, where there is an ongoing conflict that has been largely forgotten, with serious humanitarian implications for its people, who suffer from hunger and the spread of diseases. We see Jesus in the children of Africa, especially those who are suffering in South Sudan, Somalia, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic and Nigeria. We see Jesus in the children worldwide wherever peace and security are threatened by the danger of tensions and new conflicts. Let us pray that confrontation may be overcome on the Korean peninsula and that mutual trust may increase in the interest of the world as a whole. To the Baby Jesus we entrust Venezuela that it may resume a serene dialogue among the various elements of society for the benefit of all the beloved Venezuelan people. We see Jesus in children who, together with their families, suffer from the violence of the conflict in Ukraine and its grave humanitarian repercussions; we pray that the Lord may soon grant peace to this dear country. We see Jesus in the children of unemployed parents who struggle to offer their children a secure and peaceful future. And in those whose childhood has been robbed and who, from a very young age, have been forced to work or to be enrolled as soldiers by unscrupulous mercenaries. We see Jesus in the many children forced to leave their countries to travel alone in inhuman conditions and who become an easy target for human traffickers. Through their eyes we see the drama of all those forced to emigrate and risk their lives to face exhausting journeys that end at times in tragedy. I see Jesus again in the children I met during my recent visit to Myanmar and Bangladesh, and it is my hope that the international community will not cease to work to ensure that the dignity of the minority groups present in the region is adequately protected. Jesus knows well the pain of not being welcomed and how hard it is not to have a place to lay one’s head. May our hearts not be closed as they were in the homes of Bethlehem. Dear Brothers and Sisters, The sign of Christmas has also been revealed to us: “a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes” (Lk 2:12). Like the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, like the shepherds of Bethlehem, may we welcome in the Baby Jesus the love of God made man for us. And may we commit ourselves, with the help of his grace, to making our world more human and more worthy for the children of today and of the future. ________________________________________ I offer a warm greeting to all of you, dear brothers and sisters from throughout the world gathered here in this Square, and to all those who in various countries are joined to us by radio, television and other communications media. May the birth of Christ the Saviour renew hearts, awaken the desire to build a future of greater fraternity and solidarity, and bring joy and hope to everyone. Happy Christmas! "URBI ET ORBI" MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS CHRISTMAS 2017 Central Loggia of the Vatican Basilica Monday, 25 December 2017   Dear Brothers and Sisters, Happy Christmas! In Bethlehem, Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary. He was born, not by the will of man, but by the gift of the love of God our Father, ...
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