News & Events

Voter Registration Service

VOTER REGISTRATION The 14th General Election is expected to happen soon. A duty and responsibility of every Malaysian who is eligible to vote, is to be informed of our political issues and to elect for the right government. To participate in GE14 you must be registered by end March. Voter registration will be available at Blessed Sacrament Church on Saturday, 4 March, 7.30 - 8.30 pm, and on Sunday, 5 March, 9.00 - 10.30 am (after the Chinese Mass and before the 10 am English Mass). You will need to bring a photocopy of your IC (front and back). VOTER REGISTRATION The 14th General Election is expected to happen soon. A duty and responsibility of every Malaysian who is eligible to vote, is to be informed of our political issues and to elect for the right government. To participate in GE14 you must be registered by end March. Voter ...
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Catechetical Sunday 2017 [Theme: Christ Our Joy (John 15:11)]

Catechetical Sunday Message from Malaysia Catechetical Commission Message in English Christ came to bring joy to all humanity and this is one of the keynote messages of Christianity and the recurring motif of the Gospels. Joy, like love, is at the heart of what it means to be Christian, and it testifies to the conviction that human life has an ultimate meaning revealed to us by God and guaranteed by His unfailing love. Jesus wants us to experience His Joy and He reveals the path to the lasting joy that satisfies the deepest needs of the human heart. He instituted the Church to bring us to this plateau of delight. We need to take Him at His word when Jesus told His disciples, “I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete” (Jn 15:11). The greatest honor we can give God is to be joyful because of the knowledge of His love. Pope Paul VI wrote, “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses”. Catechesis is no longer perceived as the simple teaching of faith formulae, but is focused at the maturing of faith as a support to witnessing to it in the world. My primary concern about catechesis today is that we need to emphasize the joy, enthusiasm and hopefulness that our faith produces, by witnessing and living this truth in our words, our actions, our decision, our relationship and our entire being. G.K Chesterton, who states that joy, which was a small publicity of the pagan, is the gigantic secret of the Christian and that Christianity satisfies human’s ancestral instinct for being the right way up. G.K. Chesterton understanding would be seen as controversial and not all would agree with this claim of Christianity that affirms that joy is one of the “dominant thesis” of Christian faith. A joy-filled Christian is one who, rather than endure life, has learned through faith, to treasure life and witnesses the kingdom of God. The Word of Jesus has produced its fruit. Those who believe in Him have the fullness of His joy (Jn 17:13). Joy is indeed a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22) and a characteristic mark of the Kingdom of God (Rom 14:17). The sacrament of Baptism fills the faithful with the joy of the Spirit (Acts 13:52), which makes the apostles sing praises even in their worst moments of persecution. Our Joy depends more on the Spirit’s Presence in us. Joy is simply the Presence of the Holy Spirit. When the spirit of gladness permeates a person’s entire being, they said to be joyful. How do we catechize in a way that fosters learning of the heart? We are catechist in a community of various backgrounds, traditions and histories where there are expectations and pressures. We cannot be independent and cannot avoid the social structures beyond our Catholic religious structures. We will be constantly negotiating between those structures and our communities. The pastoral approach does not mean accommodation to current ways of thinking and behaving, but entails bringing the joy and the light of the truth to bear on contemporary situations in a manner that is convincing and sensitive to the questions of post-modern people. As the ministry of the Word, catechesis refers to a constellation of activities that promote, enhance and challenge believers toward more mature faith. “Christ our joy”, could take many forms like:- 1. The good example of living a gospel-inspired life 2. Works of charity and mercy 3. Morally appropriate language, action and attitudes. 4. Genuine Christian faith, hope and charity 5. A lifestyle characterized by prayers 6. Celebration of the Sacrament and other acts of worship 7. Genuine Christian humility 8. Participation in the Christian community’s ministry 9. Active participation in social justice events and causes. Enjoy Catechesis, enjoy life and God bless. Download the above message in pdf. Message in BM Tema: Kristus Sukacita Kita (Jn 15:11) Kristus datang membawa sukacita kepada seluruh umat manusia, dan ini merupakan salah satu mesej utama agama Kristian dan tujuan Injil-injil yang selalu diulangi. Seperti kasih, sukacita adalah pusat kepada ertinya menjadi seorang Kristian, dan ia menjadi saksi kepada kepercayaan bahawa hidup manusia mempunyai makna muktamad yang ditunjukkan Tuhan kepada kita, dan dijamin oleh kasih-Nya yang tidak berkesudahan. Yesus mahu kita mengalami sukacita-Nya dan Dia menunjukkan jalan yang menuju kepada sukacita kekal yang memberi kepuasan kepada keperluan mendalam dalam hati manusia. Dia memulakan Gereja untuk membawa kita kepada puncak kegembiraan ini. Kita perlu menuntut sabda-Nya apabila Yesus memberitahu para rasul-Nya, “Semuanya itu Kukatakan kepadamu, supaya sukacita-Ku ada di dalam kamu dan sukacitamu menjadi penuh” (Yoh. 15:11). Kemuliaan paling besar yang kita dapat beri kepada Tuhan ialah bersukacita atas pengetahuan akan kasih-Nya. Paus Paulus VI menulis, “Manusia moden lebih terbuka untuk mendengarkan kesaksian berbanding para pengajar, dan jika mereka mendengarkan para pengajar, ini disebabkan mereka memberi kesaksian.” Katekesis tidak lagi dilihat semata-mata mengajar formula iman, akan tetapi ia berfokus kepada iman yang sedang matang demi menyokong kesaksian iman di dalam dunia. Isu katekesis utama hari ini ialah kita perlu memberi penekanan kepada sukacita, semangat dan harapan, kesemuanya adalah buah hasil iman menerusi kesaksian dan menghidupi kebenaran ini di dalam kata-kata, perbuatan, keputusan, perhubungan dan seluruh peribadi kita. Menurut G.K Chesterton, sukacita, publisiti kecil orang kafir, adalah rahsia besar umat Kristian, dan agama Kristian memuaskan naluri nenek moyang manusia untuk kebenaran. Pemahaman G.K. Chesterton boleh dilihat sebagai satu kontroversi dan tidak semua orang bersetuju akan kenyataan agama Kristian yang menegaskan sukacita adalah salah satu “tesis dominan” iman Kristiani. Seorang umat Kristian yang dipenuhi oleh sukacita, berkat imannya akan menghargai kehidupan dan bersaksi kepada kerajaan Tuhan, berbanding dengan setakat bertahan dalam hidup. Sabda Yesus telah membuahkan hasil. Mereka yang percaya kepada-Nya memperoleh sukacita-Nya dalam segala kelimpahan (Yoh. 17:13). Sukacita adalah buah Roh (Gal. 5:22) dan menjadi tanda yang menyifatkan Kerajaan Tuhan (Roma 14:17). Sakramen Pembaptisan memenuhi kaum beriman dengan sukacita Roh (Kisah 13:52), yang membuat para rasul melagukan puji-pujian di saat mengalami penganiayaan. Sukacita kita lebih bergantung kepada Kehadiran Roh di dalam diri kita. Apabila roh sukacita meresapi seluruh peribadi seseorang, mereka dikatakan akan bersukacita. Bagaimana kita menyampaikan katekesis dalam cara yang memupuk pembelajaran di hati? Kita adalah katekis di dalam sebuah komuniti dari pelbagai latar belakang, tradisi dan sejarah, yang mana terdapat banyak tuntutan dan tekanan. Kita tidak mampu berdikari dan tidak boleh mengelakkan struktur sosial di luar struktur agama Katolik kita. Kita akan senantiasa berunding antara struktur tersebut dan masyarakat kita. Pendekatan pastoral tidak bermaksud menerima cara fikiran dan kelakuan masa kini, akan tetapi memerlukan kita membawa sukacita dan terang akan kebenaran ke atas situasi masa kini dalam cara yang menyakinkan dan prihatin kepada persoalan manusia moden. Sebagai pelayan Sabda, katekesis merujuk kepada gabungan aktiviti yang memupuk, meningkatkan dan mencabar kaum beriman terhadap hidup yang matang. “Kristus sukacita kita”, boleh mengambil pelbagai bentuk:- 1. Memberi contoh yang baik dalam hidup berilhamkan-injil 2. Kerja-kerja kebajikan dan belas kasihan 3. Bahasa, kelakuan dan sikap yang bermoral 4. Iman, harapan dan kebajikan Kristiani yang sejati 5. Cara hidup bersifatkan doa 6. Perayaan Sakramen dan lain-lain acara penyembahan 7. Kerendahan Kristiani yang sejati 8. Penglibatan di dalam pelayanan komuniti Kristian 9. Penglibatan aktif di dalam acara-acara keadilan sosial Nikmatilah Katekesis, nikmatilah kehidupan dan Tuhan memberkati anda semua. Download the above message in pdf. Download the same message in CHINESE here. Prepared by Fr Mark MichaelCatechetical Sunday Message from Malaysia Catechetical Commission Message in English Christ came to bring joy to all humanity and this is one of the keynote messages of Christianity and the recurring motif of the Gospels. Joy, like love, is at the heart of what it means to be Christian, and it testifies ...
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Urbi et Orbi: Pope Francis’s Christmas Message and Apostolic Blessing

Pope Francis gives his traditional Christmas message and the Apostolic Blessing "Urbi et Orbi" to the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square and to those listening to him on radio and television. Come back to watch this on 25 December, 6.30 pm Malaysian time. To listen to it in English: (step by step guide) 1. Go to Radio Vaticana. 2. Look for the Radio player at the right side of the website (as seen below). Change the channel (highlighted in blackbox) to "RV09" in the drop down menu. 3. Click the speaker icon  and enjoy the live broadcast! Pope Francis gives his traditional Christmas message and the Apostolic Blessing "Urbi et Orbi" to the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square and to those listening to him on radio and television. Come back to watch this on 25 December, 6.30 pm Malaysian time. To listen to it in English: (step by ...
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Christmas Masses 2016 (Schedule)

Updated: 24 December, 9.00 am [Mass Schedules for city parishes only] Christmas Eve (24 December 2016) Parishes Time St Joseph’s Cathedral 8.00 pm (Chi) 12.00 midnight (Eng) St Mark’s Church, Batu Kawa 8.00 pm (BM) Carmelite Chapel 8.00 pm (Eng)** Holy Trinity Church, Kenyalang 7.20 pm - Children's Christmas Play (Chi) 8.00 pm (Chi) 10.30 pm - Carol singing (Eng) 11.00 pm (Eng) Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC 8.30 pm - Carol singing (Chi) 9.00 pm (Chi) 11.30 pm - Carol singing (Eng) 12.00 midnight (Eng) St Peter’s Church, Padungan 11.00-11.45 pm - Carol singing (Eng) 12.00 midnight (Eng) Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong 11.00 pm (Eng & BM) **NOTE: Mass at Carmelite Chapel is at 8.00 pm, instead of 12 midnight as stated previously Christmas Day (25 December 2016) Parishes Time St Joseph’s Cathedral 6.30 am (Eng) 8.00 am (Chi) 9.30 am (Iban) - to be broadcast live on Wai FM Iban 5.30 pm (Eng) St Mark’s Church, Batu Kawa 9.30 am (BM) 5.00 pm (Chi) Carmelite Chapel 8.00 am (Eng) Holy Trinity Church, Kenyalang 8.00 am (Eng) 5.30 pm (Chi) Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC 8.00 am (Chi) 10.00 am (Eng) St Peter’s Church, Padungan 7.30 am (Eng) 5.30 pm (Eng) Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong 8.30 am (BM) 6.00 pm (Eng)  Updated: 24 December, 9.00 am [Mass Schedules for city parishes only] Christmas Eve (24 December 2016) Parishes Time St Joseph’s Cathedral 8.00 pm (Chi) 12.00 midnight (Eng) St Mark’s Church, Batu Kawa 8.00 pm (BM) Carmelite Chapel 8.00 pm (Eng)** Holy Trinity Church, Kenyalang 7.20 pm - Children's Christmas Play (Chi) 8.00 pm (Chi) 10.30 pm - Carol singing (Eng) 11.00 pm (Eng) Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC 8.30 ...
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[Video / News] Consistory for the creation of new cardinals

The Gospel passage we have just heard (cf. Lk 6:27-36) is often referred to as the “Sermon on the Plain”. After choosing the Twelve, Jesus came down with his disciples to a great multitude of people who were waiting to hear him and to be healed. The call of the Apostles is linked to this “setting out”, descending to the plain to encounter the multitudes who, as the Gospel says, were “troubled” (cf. v. 18)....
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Youth: K.A.Y.A 25 – Open for registration

What is K.A.Y.A.? It is a four week ‘stay-in’ programme based in St. Lukas’ Catholic Centre, Kota Padawan. It prepares Catholic youths to be Christ’s faithful disciple and evangelizer in schools, colleges, university campuses, cities, villages or homes, places where they live and work....
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Opening hours for History Gallery of the Archdiocese of Kuching

Our History Gallery is now open! Do drop by! Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday: 1.00 pm - 8.00 pm Saturday & Sunday: 10.00 am - 6.00 pm Closed on Mondays, public holidays and Holy Day of Obligation Our History Gallery is now open! Do drop by! Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday: 1.00 pm - 8.00 pm Saturday & Sunday: 10.00 am - 6.00 pm Closed on Mondays, public holidays and Holy Day of Obligation ...
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Hari Merdeka and Hari Malaysia 2016

Brothers and Sisters, we celebrate our Independence Day this year with the theme Sehati Sejiwa (One Heart, One Soul) to enhance a spirit of patriotism and love for our country....
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