From The Archbishop's Desk

(UPDATED) Special Announcement: Covid-19 Outbreak

31 January, 2020

25 January, 2020

For Church members during worship in Church

As health precaution against Wuhan flu, here are some guidelines for immediate action in all churches:

  1. There will be no Holy Water in church fonts at church entrances.
  2. At Masses and services, during sign of peace, bow instead of shake hands.
  3. People with flu-like symptoms are exempted from Sunday Mass obligation.
  4. Do not leave used tissues in the pews. Dispose of properly.
  5. Practice good hygiene with proper washing of hands.

With Chinese New Year blessings from Archbishop Simon Poh




  1. 圣堂所有入口处的圣水盆将不提供圣水。
  2. 弥撒和礼仪中互祝平安时,以鞠躬代替握手。
  3. 有类似感冒的症状的人们可豁免主日望弥撒的义务。
  4. 不可将用过的纸巾留在座位,应将它妥善处理。
  5. 实行良好的个人卫生,正确的洗手。
