From The Archbishop's Desk


Easter Message 2023 from Archbishop Simon Poh (3 Languages)

“Save us, Saviour of the world
For by your Cross and Resurrection
You have set us free”

Dear brothers and sisters,

We have just travelled through the entire Holy Week – from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday (2-9 April 2023). These are the final days of Jesus that are celebrated by Christians throughout the world. The passion, death and resurrection of Jesus is not the end but the very source of our Christian living that we celebrate in every Mass for the last 2000 years.

Palm Sunday 

2000 years ago, during the Passover time, Jesus entered Jerusalem and the people, waving palm leaves, welcomed him as the promised Messiah, hence the name Palm Sunday. The people shouted: “Blessing on him who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest heavens.” (Matt 21:9)

In Aramaic or Hebrew, the word hosanna comes from “yasha” and “anna” meaning “deliver” and “please” respectively. Thus, Hosanna is: “Please, save us, our deliverer.” To cry out “hosanna!” is to plead with a person. On Palm Sunday, the crowd recognised Jesus who has come as the promised Messiah. With joy, they pleaded with Jesus to deliver them from the Romans. Hosanna is our cry of thanksgiving and for salvation.

At every Mass, we come with praise and thanksgiving in our hearts as we confidently call out to Jesus: “Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes to save us in the name of the Lord. Hosanna.” We implore Jesus, the Passover Lamb of God, who was sacrificed on the Cross to take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Hosanna! Save us! Deliver us Lord from every evil, grant peace in our days, and with the help of your mercy, we may be free from sin, safe from distress and protected from anxiety. Let this be our prayer at every Mass: “We believe in you Lord Jesus. Hosanna! Save us now Jesus, our Lord and King, deliver us! Hosanna!”

Last Supper of the Lord on Holy Thursday during Passover

On the Thursday after Palm Sunday, Jesus celebrated the Feast of the Unleaven Bread with his 12 apostles. Leonardo da Vinci’s painting in “The Last Supper”, captures the moment when Jesus revealed that he would be betrayed by one of them.

On the evening of the Passover, “… as they were eating, Jesus took some bread, said the blessing, broke it and gave it to his disciples. He said, ‘Take and eat, this is my body.’ Then he took the cup, returned thanks and gave to them: ‘Drink all of you from this, which is to be poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins’ (Mt 26:26-29). ‘Do this as a memorial of me’ (Luke 22:19-20)”

I am sure you would have recognised the above scripture texts as the Consecration Prayer used during the Mass for the priest to consecrate bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.

At the Last Supper, our Lord Jesus Christ instituted the very first Eucharist or Mass. His apostles and their successors, the Bishops and the Catholic Church thus faithfully carry out this by celebrating the Mass in memory of Jesus, literally using the words of Jesus. In the early church 20 years after the resurrection of Jesus, the apostle Paul even recorded the words of consecration and testified to the celebration of the Mass in his first letter to the Corinthians. (Read 1 Cor 11:23-26)

Good Friday

After the Last Supper, Jesus went to Gethsemane Garden where his agony, passion, betrayal, trial and suffering began. The next day on Good Friday, Jesus was sentenced to death and was forced to carry his Cross to Mt Calvary where he was crucified, and his corpse buried in an empty tomb nearby.

When you go on the pilgrimage, you can retrace part of the route that Jesus walked, from the Court of the Roman Governor through the streets of Jerusalem to Mt Calvary (where the Church of the Holy Sepulchre stands today). This is the Stations of the Cross that we prayed in Church during Lent.

The day before, during the Last Supper Jesus had said: “This is my body given up for you … This is my blood poured out for you.” And on Good Friday, the meaning of Jesus’ words was clearly revealed as he hung on the Cross, offering his body and blood, poured out to the earth as an offering to God, for the forgiveness of all the sins of humanity.

Scriptures recorded the Exodus out of Egypt 1,300 years before the birth of Jesus (Exodus 12:1-14) when Yahweh God used a Passover lamb and its blood to mark on the doorways of the Israelites’ houses to deliver them from slavery in Egypt. When Jesus celebrated the Last Super during the Passover, Jesus offered himself as the new PASSOVER LAMB OF GOD to take away the sins of the world and to deliver humanity from slavery to sins.

With the institution of the Mass, we are blessed to be able to participate and come to the foot of the Altar of the Cross. The priest, holding up the Body and Blood of Christ, invites us, “Behold the Lamb of God. Blessed are those who are called to the table of the Lamb.” Let us believe in the real presence of Jesus, receive the Body of Christ and experience his healing. “… Say the word Lord and I shall be healed.”

Easter Vigil

When Jesus died, his disciples all went into hiding and many thought it was the end. But on the first day of the week, at the first sign of dawn, the women went to the tomb and found that the tomb was empty (Luke 24:1-12). Alleluia, Jesus has risen from the dead as he has said he would. The apostle Paul testified to the Risen Christ, recorded in the scriptures for us to believe:

“For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep.” (1 Cor 15:3-6)

For Christians all over the world, the Resurrection of Jesus in the early hours of Easter Sunday reveals that Lord Jesus is indeed the Son of God who has come into the world to bring God’s forgiveness on humanity who had disobeyed God, and sin in Adam and Eve. Jesus’ death on the Cross was the ultimate sacrifice of love that ransom the sins of humanity. On the cross on Good Friday, the debt of humanity was “paid in full” by Jesus and we are redeemed from slavery of the Evil One and sins.

“God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him many not be lost but may have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Let us respond by believing in Jesus as our Risen Lord and Saviour. We invite him into our hearts, our families. Jesus is with us until the end of time.

I invite all Catholics to come back to Holy Mass to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of the Lord. Receive the Body of Christ and encounter the Risen Lord in your midst. And like the first witnesses of the Risen Lord, Mary Magdalene and the disciples,

“Go in Peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.”

Blessed Easter

✠ Archbishop Simon Poh







我们刚刚走过整个圣周 —从圣枝主日到复活主日(2023年4月2日至9日)。那是全世界基督徒庆祝的耶稣在世最后的几天。耶稣的苦难、死亡和复活不是结束,而是过去两千年来我们基督徒每次弥撒中所庆祝的生活的泉源。


两千年前的逾越节期间,耶稣进入耶路撒冷,人们挥舞着棕榈枝,欢迎为应许的默西亚的耶稣,因此称为圣枝主日。人们高喊:「贺三纳于达味之子!因上主之名而来的,当受赞颂!贺三纳于至高之天!」(玛 21:9)贺三纳的意思:「上主,求祢拯救」。



过了圣枝主日的星期四,耶稣和祂的十二位宗徒一起庆祝无酵节。达芬奇在他的《最后的晚餐》的画作中,捕捉到了耶稣透漏祂将被其中一人出卖的时刻。在逾越节当晚,「他们正吃晚餐的时候,耶稣拿起饼来,祝福了,擘开递给门徒说:『你们拿去吃罢!这是我的身体。』然后,又拿起杯来,祝谢了,递给他们说:『你们都由其中喝罢!因为这是我的血,新约的血,为大众倾流,以赦免罪过。』」(玛 26:26-29)「你们应行此礼,为纪念我。」(路22:19-20)。







当耶稣死了,祂的门徒们都躲了起来,以为一切都结束了。但是到那一周的第一天,天刚刚亮,妇女们到坟墓那里而发现坟墓是空的(路 24:1-12)。阿肋路亚!耶稣已经从死者中复活了,就如祂说过的那样。祂的复活显示耶稣是复活的主和天主子。耶稣之死于十字架,是为赔补人类的罪最终极的爱的牺牲。在主受难日,在十字架上,人类的罪债被耶稣「全部还清」,我们也从魔鬼和罪的奴役中被赎回。「天主竟这样爱了世界,甚至赐下了自己的独生子,使凡信祂的人不至丧亡,反而获得永生。」(若3:16)

要领受这生命和救恩,我们只需相信耶稣是我们的复活的主和救主。让我们邀请祂到我们心里,到我们的家庭中来,让祂永远和我们在一  起。




傅云生总主教 (译文)


“Selamatkanlah kami, Penyelamat dunia

Kerana dengan Salib dan Kebangkitan-Mu

Engkau telah membebaskan kami”

Saudara saudari yang dikasihi dalam Kristus,

Kita baharu sahaja menjalani seluruh Minggu Kudus—dari Hari Minggu Palma hingga Hari Minggu Paska (2–9 April 2023). Ini adalah hari-hari terakhir Yesus yang dirayakan oleh umat Kristian di seluruh dunia. Kesengsaraan, kematian dan kebangkitan Yesus bukanlah penamat tetapi sumber sebenar kehidupan Kristian yang kita rayakan di setiap Misa sejak 2,000 tahun yang lalu.

Hari Minggu Palma

Dua ribu tahun yang lalu, pada waktu Paska, Yesus memasuki Yerusalem dan para penduduk, yang mengibarkan daun-daun palma, menyambut-Nya sebagai Mesias, dan sebab itulah hari itu dipanggil Hari Minggu Palma. Para penduduk melaung: “Keberkatan ke atas-Nya yang datang dalam nama Tuhan. Hosanna di langit yang maha tinggi” (Matius 21:9). Hosanna bermaksud: “Tolong selamatkan kami, penyelamat kami.”

Di setiap Misa, marilah kita dengan yakin melaung dan merayu kepada Yesus: “Hosanna di tempat maha tinggi. Diberkatilah Dia yang datang untuk menyelamatkan kita dalam nama Tuhan.” Kita yakin bahawa Yesus, Anak Domba Paska Allah yang dikorbankan di atas Salib untuk menghapuskan dosa-dosa dunia, akan mengasihani kita. Dia akan menyelamatkan kita dan membebaskan kita daripada setiap kejahatan, memberikan kedamaian kepada kita, memastikan kita bebas daripada dosa, selamat daripada kesusahan dan dilindungi daripada kekhuatiran.

Marilah kita menghadiri Misa dengan iman: Selamatkanlah kami sekarang Yesus, Tuhan dan Raja kami, bebaskanlah kami! Hosanna!

Perjamuan Akhir Tuhan pada Hari Khamis Putih pada waktu Paska

Pada Hari Khamis selepas Hari Minggu Palma, Yesus merayakan Hari Raya Roti Tidak Beragi bersama 12 orang rasul-Nya. Lukisan ‘Perjamuan Akhir’ oleh Leonardo da Vinci menggambarkan saat apabila Yesus memberitahu Dia akan dikhianati salah seorang daripada mereka. Pada malam Paska, “… ketika mereka makan, Yesus mengambil roti, menyebut pemberkatan, memecahkannya dan memberikannya kepada murid-murid-Nya. Dia berkata, ‘Ambillah dan makanlah, inilah tubuh-Ku’. Kemudian Dia mengambil piala, memanjatkan kesyukuran dan memberikannya kepada mereka: ‘Minumlah semua kamu daripada piala ini, yang akan dicurahkan untuk ramai bagi pengampunan dosa’ (Matius 26:26-29). ‘Lakukan ini sebagai peringatan akan Daku’ (Lukas 22:19-20).”

Saya pasti anda dapat mengenali teks kitab di atas sebagai Doa Konsekrasi yang digunakan dalam Misa oleh paderi untuk menguduskan roti dan air anggur menjadi tubuh dan darah Kristus.

Pada Perjamuan Akhir, Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus telah menetapkan perayaan Ekaristi atau Misa pertama. Dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang sama dalam Al-Kitab, para rasul Yesus dan para pengganti mereka, uskup-uskup dan Gereja Katolik setia menjalankannya dengan merayakan Misa bagi memperingati Yesus. Sejak 2,000 tahun yang lalu, Gereja Katolik telah merayakan Misa-Misa Harian dan Hari Minggu.

Jumaat Agung

Pada Perjamuan Akhir pada Hari Khamis, Yesus telah menyatakan: “Ini adalah tubuh-Ku yang diserahkan bagimu … Ini adalah darah-Ku yang dicurahkan bagimu.” Pada Jumaat Agung, makna kata-kata Yesus menjadi jelas ketika Yesus tergantung di atas salib, sambil mempersembahkan tubuh dan darah-Nya, yang dicurahkan ke Bumi, demi pengampunan semua dosa umat manusia.

Ketika Yesus merayakan Perjamuan Akhir pada waktu Paska, Dia menerima misi untuk menjadi ANAK DOMBA PASKA ALLAH yang dikorbankan di atas Salib bagi menghapuskan dosa-dosa dunia. Di setiap Misa, kita sekarang boleh datang ke kaki Altar Salib. Kita melihat Tubuh dan Darah Kristus yang diangkat oleh paderi: “Lihatlah Anak Domba Allah. Diberkatilah mereka yang dipanggil ke meja Anak Domba.” Marilah kita percaya kepada kehadiran benar Yesus, terimalah Tubuh Kristus dan alamilah penyembuhan-Nya. “… Bersabdalah sahaja Tuhan maka aku akan sembuh.”

Malam Paska

Ketika Yesus wafat, semua murid-Nya hidup dalam persembunyian dan ramai menyangka ia sudah berakhir. Namun pada hari pertama minggu berkenaan, pada waktu subuh, beberapa orang wanita telah pergi ke kubur dan mendapati kubur itu kosong (Lukas 24:1-12). Alleluia, Yesus sudah bangkit daripada kematian seperti apa yang Dia telah nyatakan. Kebangkitan-Nya menunjukkan Yesus adalah Tuhan yang bangkit dan Anak Allah. Kematian Yesus di atas Salib adalah korban kasih mutlak yang menebus dosa-dosa umat manusia. Di atas salib pada Jumaat Agung, hutang umat manusia “dibayar sepenuhnya” oleh Yesus dan kita ditebus daripada perhambaan Si Jahat dan dosa-dosa. “Allah begitu mengasihi dunia sehingga Ia mengurniakan Anak-Nya yang tunggal, supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepada-Nya tidak binasa melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal.” (Yohanes 3:16)

Untuk menerima kehidupan dan penyelamatan ini, kita hanya perlu percaya kepada Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Penyelamat kita yang telah bangkit. Marilah kita mengundang-Nya ke dalam hati kita, keluarga kita. Yesus ada bersama kita hingga akhir zaman.

Saya mempelawa semua umat Katolik untuk kembali ke Misa Kudus bagi merayakan Kematian dan Kebangkitan Tuhan kita.

Terimalah Tubuh Kristus dan alamilah Tuhan Yang Bangkit di tengah-tengah kita, dan seperti saksi-saksi pertama Tuhan Yang Bangkit, Maria Magdalena dan murid-murid-Nya,

“Pergilah dengan damai untuk memuliakan Tuhan dalam hidupmu.”

Selamat Menyambut Paska

✠ Uskup Agung Simon Poh (Terjemahan)